Sunday, September 21, 2008

U.S. Second Civil War.... Why Dems would WIN !!!

As we as a nation slip further into a division, split b/n the ideas and beliefs that we live by, by the growing discontent and our hate for oneanother, are we not running a risk of a second U.S. Civil War?

Of course we already have a civil war going on in some respect.

And for any GOPs...Yes... I'm a bleeding Heart Liberal, and I'm proud of it in case anyone wants to know. I believe in all the stuff you hate like gays in the army and being able to marry, evolution, sex education, taxing the rich, working things out instead of waving the flag and picking up a gun, seperation of church and state, Roe vs. Wade, immagrants, people that don't believe in your god, and any other stupid non-rational crap that you can you try and sell me that isn't worth the paper that it's printed on.

But hey... maybe you can talk me down. I'd love to hear it.

And now to the point....

Why would the Dems win a civil war!!!

Here is what I'm thinking based on crap that I've been reading from GOP people who want to say that if things get "hot" they would win a civil war. Of course they have guns and they have their beliefs, but....

We (the Dems) just by co-winky-dink control all the major cities and international trade and communication centers.

Other countries hate your hard core religious views and they don't trust you.
They also hate your cowboy hawkish warmongering.
(Remmember also please.... we are not the only nation with nukes)
Other nations would welcome a destroyed and splintered America. It's the Bring down the Bully on the Block thing.
So.. what happen's once you start killing off the only sane people in this country?
We all lose!

Sorry GOP... is that too much for you to understand.

Let me try agin...

Get off your high horse and let people live their lives.
Learn some history and some social science.
Give up the social issues that you have been force feed by you religious elders and accept humanity for all that it is.
Quit forcing you views on others.

And take this to heart as I finish writing for the night:

Dems have guns also, and we are very good at orginization.


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